Open elamonica opened 2 years ago
What just happened to me is that when I do Parse.auto_generate_models!
, and try to read a field whose type is Number, I get a value rounded downwards, e.g. 2.8
(Float) becomes 2
(ruby Integer). Furthermore, attempting to set it to Float 2.8
, and then saving it, sets the db field to 2
. Actually, even just doing set("stuff", 2.8) then get("stuff") returns 2.
Is that what happens to you ?
also :
MyClass.class_eval {property :my_field, :float, field: "My_Field"}
warns :
Property MyClass#my_field already defined with data type :float. Will be ignored.
when the actual type it's already defined with, is :integer ; generally it reports whatever type I write in the statement, instead of the existing one. See lib/parse/model/core/properties.rb :
if (self.fields[key].present? && BASE_FIELD_MAP[key].nil?) || (self < Parse::Object && BASE_FIELD_MAP.has_key?(key))
warn "Property #{self}##{key} already defined with data type :#{data_type}. Will be ignored."
return false
also wrong documentation for def attributes, copy-pasted from def enums :
# @return [Hash] the fields that are marked as enums.
I just created this workaround :
module Parse::Properties::ClassMethods
def remove_property key, **opts
key = key.to_sym
parse_field = opts[:field].to_sym || key.to_s.camelize(:lower)
fields.delete key
fields.delete parse_field
attributes.delete parse_field
remove_method parse_field
remove_method :"#{key}_increment!"
remove_method :"#{key}_decrement!"
class MyClass
remove_property :my_field, field: :My_Field
property :my_field, :float, field: :My_Field
The problem appears when you have a numeric column with float data. When you get the model, the attribute is formatted as integer instead of float.