modernmaster / intellego

Alexa service
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what is needed for alexa to provide results #17

Open samanthagreaves opened 7 years ago

samanthagreaves commented 7 years ago

Assuming Dual fuel on enquiry Address house info detached etc Existing provider Existing spend on energy

msm-jodychambers commented 7 years ago

Me: Alexa, Can I save money on my Energy bills?

A, Let me check

A, Firstly what is your address? (known???)

Me: Addess is.......

A, Great, now who is your current supplier?

Me: Supplier is......

A, Awesome, How much do you spend per month on your current bills?

Me: I spend ££££ per month

A, Great news, I have found the top 3 deals for you. You can save ££££ with Eon or £££ with Npower or ££££ with Bulb

Me: Great thank you Alexa