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[test-runner-mocha] implement snapshot testing #132

Closed bennypowers closed 1 year ago

bennypowers commented 4 years ago

chai-dom-diff offers snapshot testing via


This fails in web test runner. Proximal cause is that window.__mocha_context__ is undefined. (this is probably a karma API?)

@LarsDenBakker recommended implementing snapshots directly with mocha, without reference to karma's globals.

bmeurer commented 3 years ago

I was about to file a bug with pointing to a repro at when I stumbled upon this feature request. Any progress on this? Or any guidance how to implement this? :-)

LarsDenBakker commented 3 years ago

It's on the todolist, but I haven't gotten to it yet. What we need to do here is add a readFile / writeFile command to the commands package: (See how to write commands).

After that we need to use these two commands from the semantic dom diff package. Probably as a separate chai plugin specific for WTR.

bmeurer commented 3 years ago

What are the chances that you'll get to this in the near future? I'm not opposed to giving this a try, but I'm afraid my spare time is fairly limited right now, and I lack a lot of domain knowledge here.

The readFile / writeFile commands don't sound all that complicated; the difficult part seems to be the communication back to the browser as far as I can tell. I suppose that should be done by injecting the data as script via CDP?

LarsDenBakker commented 3 years ago

The commands package takes care of that already, there is a websocket connection that waits for a ping back and resolves the promise in the browser. The docs should explain that.

I'll to this eventually, maybe this month or the next.

bmeurer commented 3 years ago

Awesome, thanks. Very much appreciated.

MaximePlancke commented 3 years ago

Hi everyone,

Do you have any update on when the snapshot would be available with web test runner? I am having some issues with karma and @open-wc/testing (I have some commonJS packages and the preprocessors I tried to convert to esm does not seem to work with @open-wc/testing-karma).

My best bet was web test runner as it makes it very easy to convert CommonJS module with rollup but unfortunately my snapshot tests are not working.

Thank you :)

pruik commented 3 years ago

Any update on this? Or is there a known work-around?

This is currently a blocking issue for our components library, since they are too bulky to test without snapshots :/

mindreframer commented 3 years ago

Yes, this would be a great addition, snapshot testing when done properly keeps your tests really maintainable.

LarsDenBakker commented 3 years ago

I added a snapshot plugin to the commands package:

Working on using it inside the chai plugin for DOM snapshots next.

LarsDenBakker commented 3 years ago

@open-wc/semantic-dom-diff now also supports snapshot testing with WTR. Currently open-wc is in "prerelease" mode until the next version of lit is finalized. For now you can get the latest using the next tag for the testing package:

"@open-wc/testing": "next"

Note that snapshot testing is now async, so you need to await the assertion:

await expect(element).shadowDom.toEqualSnapshot();
bennypowers commented 2 years ago

is this still relevant?