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[dev-server] CVE-2024-29415: "ip SSRF improper categorization in isPublic" #2747

Closed jdcoldsmith closed 1 week ago

jdcoldsmith commented 1 month ago

This issue is just meant to raise the flag about the current vulnerability with the ip package that @web/dev-server depends on. It seems that there currently is no fix for this from ip.

jdcoldsmith commented 3 weeks ago

I see from this comment that people seem to be switching to using the ip-address package instead.

dmihalcik commented 3 weeks ago

It looks like the feature used - guessing the current public ipv4 address of the server - is not available in ip-address.

Some options I see:

Source code of ip.address:

I propose exporting a new function in core lib, which loops through addresses by nic, picking the first non loopack ipv4 address found.

An enhancement would be allowing this value to be passed in to more places as a configuration object, to better handle cases where there are mutliple addresses that meet this criteria (if that is desired).

jdcoldsmith commented 3 weeks ago

Great points @dmihalcik! Another possibility could be the public-ip package. It seems to be very straightforward and accomplish the small need of this package.

bashmish commented 3 weeks ago

In our codebase we use only one method from ip


given it's always a call to ip.address() without arguments, it's important to check what the defaults are

I think the defaults will be name="private" and family="ipv4", given the last implementation

// currently used functon
// node_modules/ip/lib/ip.js

// ### function address (name, family)
// #### @name {string|'public'|'private'} **Optional** Name or security
//      of the network interface.
// #### @family {ipv4|ipv6} **Optional** IP family of the address (defaults
//      to ipv4).
// Returns the address for the network interface on the current system with
// the specified `name`:
//   * String: First `family` address of the interface.
//             If not found see `undefined`.
//   * 'public': the first public ip address of family.
//   * 'private': the first private ip address of family.
//   * undefined: First address with `ipv4` or loopback address ``.
ip.address = function (name, family) {
  var interfaces = os.networkInterfaces();

  // Default to `ipv4`
  family = _normalizeFamily(family);

  // If a specific network interface has been named,
  // return the address.
  if (name && name !== 'private' && name !== 'public') {
    var res = interfaces[name].filter((details) => {
      var itemFamily = _normalizeFamily(;
      return itemFamily === family;
    if (res.length === 0) {
      return undefined;
    return res[0].address;

  var all = Object.keys(interfaces).map((nic) => {
    // Note: name will only be `public` or `private`
    // when this is called.
    var addresses = interfaces[nic].filter((details) => { = _normalizeFamily(;
      if ( !== family || ip.isLoopback(details.address)) {
        return false;
      } if (!name) {
        return true;

      return name === 'public' ? ip.isPrivate(details.address)
        : ip.isPublic(details.address);

    return addresses.length ? addresses[0].address : undefined;

  return !all.length ? ip.loopback(family) : all[0];
bashmish commented 3 weeks ago

so looks like we need internal-ip from the same author as public-ip

specifically internalIpV4()

import {internalIpV4} from 'internal-ip';

console.log(await internalIpV4());
//=> ''

but it's just my guess based on quick analyses of the libraries


this is confusing though

return name === 'public' ? ip.isPrivate(details.address)
        : ip.isPublic(details.address);
bashmish commented 3 weeks ago

did a test locally

// index.mjs
import ip from "ip";
import { internalIpV4 } from "internal-ip";
import { publicIpv4 } from "public-ip";

console.log("ip.address()", ip.address());
console.log("await internalIpV4()", await internalIpV4());
console.log("await publicIpv4()", await publicIpv4());
> node index.mjs

await internalIpV4()
await publicIpv4() (it's certainly not what we need)
jdcoldsmith commented 3 weeks ago

Wait maybe I am missing something but ip.address() and internalIpV4() produced different results. Is that ok?

bashmish commented 3 weeks ago

Wait maybe I am missing something but ip.address() and internalIpV4() produced different results. Is that ok?

no, it's not, updated the comment

bashmish commented 3 weeks ago

given the difference, I think we actually need this

gonna test now


also not

// index.mjs
import ip from "ip";
import { gateway4sync } from "default-gateway";
import { internalIpV4 } from "internal-ip";
import { publicIpv4 } from "public-ip";

console.log("ip.address()", ip.address());
console.log("gateway4sync().gateway", gateway4sync().gateway);
console.log("await internalIpV4()", await internalIpV4());
console.log("await publicIpv4()", await publicIpv4());
> node index.mjs

await internalIpV4()
await publicIpv4() (it's certainly not what we need)
bashmish commented 3 weeks ago

did a bit research on what's going on internally internal-ip should be the one we need, but it's either buggy, or I'm missing smth, but 0 at the end is not correct, it should just give

I can't find any working alternaitve though, feel free to suggest one

otherwise I can look into making our own utility for that, which is basically a simplified version of the old ip package implementation

PS: e.g. storybook just implemented a custom utility in their codebase

smurugavels commented 3 weeks ago

Any ETA on the fix? Thank you for all the good work here.

bashmish commented 3 weeks ago

Found a working one, looks good Will make a PR shortly

// index.mjs
import ip from "ip";
import localIpUrl from "local-ip-url";
import { gateway4sync } from "default-gateway";
import { internalIpV4 } from "internal-ip";

console.log("ip.address()", ip.address());
console.log("localIpUrl()", localIpUrl());
console.log("gateway4sync().gateway", gateway4sync().gateway);
console.log("await internalIpV4()", await internalIpV4());
> node index.mjs

await internalIpV4()
bashmish commented 3 weeks ago

Unfortunately local-ip-url code seems to be a copy of ip with same security issue, so it's not really fixing the problem, but rather hiding it and opening a possibility soon to run into the same security bug.

I figured internal-ip worked well until v8 So if we use internal-ip@7.x.x it's fine. It does't have any checks for public IPs which I think is the root cause of the security issue, because such check if done wrongly can lead to opening certain attacks. So we are fine to use internal-ip without worrying about this security issue reappearing.

KearseTrevor commented 1 week ago

I'd like to thank you for the effort you've put in on this - I know you hit a bit of a pivot point but is there any ETA on the internal-ip@7.x.x approach?

bashmish commented 1 week ago

It's released. For exact versions of new packages you can check

jdcoldsmith commented 1 week ago

Thank you very much @bashmish for your efforts on this!