modess / git-pretty-stats

Self hosted graphs for Git repositories in PHP
142 stars 24 forks source link

Not Found The requested URL /estadisticas/git-pretty-stats/repository/v2 was not found on this server. #7

Closed jhonvidal closed 10 years ago

jhonvidal commented 10 years ago

config.php :

<?php /**

m1d1 commented 10 years ago

Short version: Mod Rewrite is missing and/or .htaccess is beeing ignored by the webserver. How to possibly fix it: Check you apache(webserver) config. Make sure to enable mod_rewrite (a2enmod rewrite). Check your apache2.conf (debian/ubuntu) or httpd.conf (suse) set <FilesMatch '^.ht\'> Order allow,deny
Deny from all

Edit you apache2/sites-enabled/defaut??.conf file, add:

    <Directory /var/www/git-pretty-stats>
        AllowOverride All

replace that path (/var/www/git-pretty-stats) with yours. Restart apache2 (/etc/init.d/apache2 restart) and it should work ... Good luck!

P.S.: code is formatted funny - look here

modess commented 10 years ago

Thanks @m1d1!

sileclercq commented 10 years ago

Got a similar issue, except that the rewrite is enabled on my xampp (running under a windows server). Any luck with this ? the list of repo I got is the full path on the disk (like d:\repo\vss2git) and the url generated is something like http://par-svr-app02:8084/git-pretty-stats/public/repository/D%3A%5Crepo%5CVss2Git which it does not seem to accept.

If i change the url to something like http://par-svr-app02:8084/git-pretty-stats/public/repository/Vss2Git, i get an error Symfony \ Component \ Debug \ Exception \ FatalErrorException Call to a member function getName() on a non-object which I think is related to the fact that this is not a valid path to a git repository. I have open an new issue