modestmaps / modestmaps-js

Modest Maps javascript port
395 stars 73 forks source link - looks very broken #67

Closed rossbruniges closed 11 years ago

rossbruniges commented 11 years ago

While the homepage of looks very promising having an example page like this Mozilla Firefox doesn't fill me with any confidence about investigating the app any further.

Is this a bug or coming soon?

mojodna commented 11 years ago

This is a GitHub Pages configuration issue, not anything inherent to ModestMaps.

@tmcw the site root isn't generated with Jekyll, but examples/ is; do you know what _config.yml needs to look like to handle this? This is the error I get when I try to generate the site locally:

$ jekyll --pygments --no-lsi --safe
WARNING: Could not read configuration. Using defaults (and options).
    No such file or directory - /Users/seth/src/modestmaps/modestmaps-js/_config.yml
Building site: /Users/seth/src/modestmaps/modestmaps-js -> /Users/seth/src/modestmaps/modestmaps-js/_site
Liquid Exception: No such file or directory - /Users/seth/src/modestmaps/modestmaps-js/_includes in site.js
rossbruniges commented 11 years ago

Woohoo - now that looks much better :)

Thanks for sorting that out