modflowpy / flopy

A Python package to create, run, and post-process MODFLOW-based models.
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question about conductance calculation in Tutorial02 #142

Closed FHDeng closed 7 years ago

FHDeng commented 8 years ago


I have a question about the conductance calculation in example Tutorial02. In the MODFLOW-2005 manual (chapter 5. Internal Flow Packages 5-5), in unconfined layer, when computing saturated thickness (Δv):

if HNEW >= TOP, Δv = TOP - BOT; if TOP > HNEW > BOT, Δv = HNEW - BOT; if HNEW <= BOT, Δv = 0.

In the Tutorial02 example, both stageleft and stageright are >= TOP. I am wondering why in the code, e.g., "condleft = hk * (stageleft - zbot) * delc" instead of "condleft = hk * (ztop - zbot) * delc"?

langevin-usgs commented 8 years ago

Yes, you are right. It looks like we should set ztop to 10 so that the model is unconfined. We'll leave this issue open until it is fixed in the next release.

oscarfasanchez commented 4 years ago

but nothing has changed in the tutorial, right?

langevin-usgs commented 4 years ago

Yes, the tutorial was changed April 2017 so that ztop is 10, which means the aquifer is unconfined.