modlfo / VultModules

A set of modules written in Vult for VCVRack
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Suggestion Box: 808 Hi Hat Module #17

Open vogelscheiss opened 6 years ago

vogelscheiss commented 6 years ago

One thing the VCV Rack world sorely lacks is a good 808 Hi Hat module. The basic internal patch would be like this:

808 hi hat patch on nord modular fig02nordhh-t3nbuttcogf10vkrwb_umkbtzensjoqv

It would also have a gate in which a closed hat would immediately cut off a ringing open hat.

Love your Trummor modules and filters, thought something like this would be an amazing addition.

Best, --Chuck

modlfo commented 6 years ago

It’s possible to make a simple hat with Trummor 2. I don’t know if you have seen this video

I’m already working on making a variation on Trummor 2 that is gonna include a few modules targeted to make drums sounds easier than Trummor 2. The modules will be snares, claps hats and other percussions. These new modules are not gonna be emulations. I’m trying to make them have their own personality but good sounding.

vogelscheiss commented 6 years ago

Thanks! Looking forward to your new modules.

Wanted to give an example of approx. the patch above as realized on VCV Rack:

(Looks like this:) image

The patch could stand more tweaking, but it's definitely got the metallic quality of the 808.

modlfo commented 6 years ago

It sounds really good! Thanks for the example.