modlfo / VultModules

A set of modules written in Vult for VCVRack
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Trummor2 TIME negative offset different since 2.0.8 ??? #62

Open jaynothin opened 1 year ago

jaynothin commented 1 year ago

Hi o/

I believe something was changed in the Trummor2 "TIME" knob behavior since the introduction of the TrummorFM update.

I was trying to find where I could find and re-install 2.0.5 (win) so I could do more test and compare the result before sending any kind of post/email to VULT about it, but I can't seem to find a past release to download.

I can only open VCV1 and compare the older VULT.

Briefly, the issue is this:

TIME doesn't respond to "negative values" anymore. Before, even if the knob was at 0, it was behaving and reacting to negative values if e.g.: the ENV was sent to the MOD ROUTER and set to TIME (see image).

This affected TRUMMOR2 sound in a particular way, but now, that is gone. Making every older patches sound different if they were making use of this TIME offset behavior.


I hope this makes sense. thank you jay

Win 10 22H2 VCV Rack Pro 2.2.3 X64

modlfo commented 1 year ago

I was checking this issue. In one of the recent updates I added an improved version of the modulation matrix. The behavior that you describe was in fact due to a bug. The TIME parameter has a range of 0.0 to 1.0 and it should not be allowed to be modulated to a negative value. In this specific case, fortunately, it did not trigger an undefined behavior. I need to evaluate if it would be possible to allow a sound like the produced by the negative value without comprimising the bound checking and breaking old patches.