modmore / ClientConfig

ClientConfig is a MODX Revolution Extra to allow clients to maintain settings in a user friendly way.
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Dashboard Widget #133

Open robliberty opened 7 years ago

robliberty commented 7 years ago

It's been asked before but without a real, non-Quickstart Buttons, answer. Is there any way to add the Configuration "Client View" directly to a Dashboard Widget for zero-click access? I made a quick mock up of what I'm looking to do.

Thank you so much for everything you do for the MODX community!


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Mark-H commented 7 years ago

Happy to leave this open to see if there's more interest in it, but as it stands currently I don't have any immediate plans to add something like that. Appreciate the mockup tho, that makes it quite clear what you're looking for.

kolbykruger commented 7 years ago

I would absolutely love this feature! My clients could update certain variables easily right from the dashboard.

robliberty commented 7 years ago

Another benefit to this for me would be when the client user doesn't have access to the Extras menu (turned off in the ACL) they could still make those simple edits from their dashboard.

If building out a full fledged widget doesn't sound interesting to you maybe it's possible to create a snippet with the Client Config page contents that we could put into our own widget?

As always, the Eternity crew is thankful for your work in the MODX community.

crimsonpixel commented 7 years ago

You can move the link to the Client Config from under the Extras menu and place on the top navigation and rename it to whatever you like via Lexicon. I tend to do this for my clients and then add a Quick Link button to the area which I call "Site Settings" .

greyskymedia commented 7 years ago


robliberty commented 7 years ago

@crimsonpixel Yes, that is a nice work around. But we would really love to see a widget, one less navigation item to deal with. We do use your navigation bar technique for our "View Site" and "Refresh MODX (Clear Cache)" buttons though, it works well.

sebastian-marinescu commented 7 years ago

+1 But I think I wouldn't want it for all settings, only for certain ones. Or even better would be some kind of Generator/Snippet-Call to custom-load the available settings in a widget. That way we could have multiple widgets, and depending on the user-role or user-preference just show the settings that are necessary...

robliberty commented 7 years ago

@sebastian-marinescu Ah yes, that would be ideal if on the Admin grid you could specify which fields are "widget friendly". Or, like the Tagger extra, be able to create multiple "groups" that could contain a mix of fields and be assigned to certain user-groups... but that's icing on the cake, a simple widget editor would still make me happy :)

Mark-H commented 7 years ago

Well, that's definitely a lot more interest than I expected ;)

Would it make sense to have a widget where you choose which group to show? So instead of on the field level, you'd pick one of the groups already defined.

Also, with #123 coming along, any thoughts on how to deal with contexts in such a widget, if at all?

robliberty commented 7 years ago

Yes, I like the group idea.

We don't use a lot of additional contexts, so that feature isn't on our radar. I have to let someone else +1 that idea.

robliberty commented 6 years ago

Any updates on this?

robliberty commented 5 years ago


sebastian-marinescu commented 5 years ago

Would it make sense to have a widget where you choose which group to show? So instead of on the field level, you'd pick one of the groups already defined.

Yes, per-group choosing sounds good.

Also, with #123 coming along, any thoughts on how to deal with contexts in such a widget, if at all?

In multi-context-mode it would also need a little context-switcher in the top-right.