Resource & Element Versioning Extra for MODX Revolution (supports 2.2 and up). Extends the core in a future-proof manner to keep copies of every change to resources, templates, template variables, chunks, snippets and plugins.
I have a couple of moreGallery resources where all elements except moreGallery are hidden/removed.
As versionx doesn't provide version management for gallery content (images, image properties), I don't want to raise false hopes.
As far as I can see, there is no option to hide or opt-out versionx for specific templates.
It would be great to have such a feature.
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I have a couple of moreGallery resources where all elements except moreGallery are hidden/removed.
As versionx doesn't provide version management for gallery content (images, image properties), I don't want to raise false hopes.
As far as I can see, there is no option to hide or opt-out versionx for specific templates.
It would be great to have such a feature.