Closed Rayden closed 8 years ago
What version of MODX? Can you post a few rows of your csv (or email: hello Op 4 dec. 2011 16:27 schreef "Raymond Geerts" <> het volgende:
when i define publishedon and/or pub_date in the header and put a unix timestamp value in the csv data it doesnt put the values into the database.
createdon works fine
I tried importing in many ways putting published in the csv and with or without checking the published checkbox in default settings.
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This occurs on MODx version 2.1.3-pl with importx version 1.0.0-pl
for example this is the CSV data (i deleted the tvs from it)
pagetitle;;;description;;;alias;;;template;;;createdon;;;publishedon;;;content Test;;;Dit is een test;;;test;;;1;;;1112902440;;;1112902440;;;
And you did set the divider to ";;;" in ImportX right?
yes ofcourse ;) it imports all the data right, even the tvs go nice. its realy just the dates for publishedon and createdon that cant be set. Because when i look at the dates they show the date and time of when the import took place.
i found a temporary solution, but that means i have to manualy call some MySQL query.
Just looking at the MODX processors' code - it looks like it needs "published" to be passed to the processor for the publishedon date to be set.
"published" is set when the pub_date is set to < now. If no pub_date is set it depends on the actual "published" value.
ok, its understandable the way that works.
the solution im using now is asfollow:
the query im using is:
SELECT link_attributes FROM modx_site_content FOR UPDATE; UPDATE modx_site_content SET createdon = link_attributes, publishedon = link_attributes, link_attributes = '' WHERE id >= '54';
the id 54 is just in my case, there are 53 resources that i created previously before the import ;)
when i define publishedon and/or pub_date in the header and put a unix timestamp value in the csv data it doesnt put the values into the database.
createdon works fine
I tried importing in many ways putting published in the csv and with or without checking the published checkbox in default settings.