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HTML Attribute #44

Closed modnaut closed 11 years ago

modnaut commented 11 years ago

How does the 'html' attribute work? Should that be an element underneath (ie: similar to title ) or an attribute?

dannycohn commented 11 years ago

HTML allows you to set any HTML you want for a container. It should be used very sparingly, but in the event that we need to set straight HTML, this allows us to.

I have it as an attribute, so it would look like this:

<item xsi:type="Panel" html="&lt;div class=&quot;danny&quot;&gt;row 1 col 2 and 3&lt;/div&gt;" colspan="2">

If you wanted to make it a child element it could probably look like this:

<item xsi:type="Panel" colspan="2">
        <div class="danny">row 1 col 2 and 3</div>

I think I can make that work, so if you prefer that style let me know

modnaut commented 11 years ago

I like the look of the child element, let's go with that style. Thanks.

dannycohn commented 11 years ago
