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Support installing unlisted modpacks #920

Open willocn opened 7 months ago

willocn commented 7 months ago

Is your suggested enhancement related to a problem? Please describe.

I currently maintain a modpack for a small server/community, which has little pertinence outside of this server. I would like the pack to be unlisted as to not confuse others. Right now, we distribute a .mrpack which they can install through the launcher of their choice, but the update process is confusing or sometimes not present across launchers.

Describe the solution you'd like

I would like to be able to use the Modrinth platform to distribute the unlisted modpack and instruct users to use the Modrinth launcher whenever possible, since packs can easily be updated through the launcher.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Additional context

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Fabrieze commented 7 months ago


I'd like the ability to update modpacks that aren't officially uploaded, as I usually make my packs for just a small handful of friends, most of whom don't understand or get confused when I have to go through the process of showing them how to keep all their options in tact. I imagine if the launcher could detect an .mrpack with the same name but different version, it could then update the instance from the user's profile and change the necessary mod information without having to create a brand new instance.

herrnn commented 6 months ago


I have multiple time i play mod pack with friend and uploading is a bit finicky to make sure everything is alright. but as a private modpack, at least version control will make life way better when we're updating mods and adding new mods. rather ran manually transfer data to a newly imported mrpack one. if not adding this at least add support to do local version control of some kind that change the mod/config and keep the rest of the pack intact after the update.

TraderHowell commented 6 months ago


Having version control, even if just for manual .mrpack imports would be excellent. It doesn't make much sense to waste a moderator's time and Modrinth CDN resources getting a small private pack published just to ensure less tech savvy friends can keep a modpack updated. Additionally, bundling the icon in the .mrpack file would benefit this concept.

helleputter commented 6 months ago

Would be a great addition.

I think if you would have a way of updating an existing instance with an .mrpack this would be great for private modpacks. This was mentioned in #362 before, and therefore seems a bit of a duplicate.

Traynack commented 4 months ago


In the same exact situation as @willocn. Something like pasting the unlisted modpack link in the launcher search bar in the browse menu could work.

darealblack commented 3 months ago


Please add this, this would be a an amazing feature. Especially for private SMP's