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Better indication for archived projects and ability to hide archived mods/plugins #1718

Open SyberiaK opened 2 weeks ago

SyberiaK commented 2 weeks ago

Is your suggested enhancement related to a problem? Please describe.

When searching for a mod or just scrolling through the list, you can't see if the mod/plugin is archived until you go to its page. I find this really annoying.

Describe the solution you'd like

  1. Add an "Archived" tag to archived mods/plugins in the search. "Archived" tag near the mod name
  2. Add an option to hide archived mods/plugins OR make it default and add an option to show archived mods/plugins (which seems more convenient) "Show archived mods" checkbox in the search options

Describe alternatives you've considered

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blryface commented 2 weeks ago

Some archived mods still work just fine and may only not get any more updates, I don't see how hiding them would be beneficial. If the option was instead to hide archived mods I think it would make the most sense Maybe a tag in front of archived projects could be interesting, but that's up to the devs