modrinth / labrinth

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Project slug differs between search results and projects list for user #882

Closed msfjarvis closed 4 months ago

msfjarvis commented 4 months ago

Describe the bug

There seems to be some issue which can allow the project slug to differ for the same project, with the search results having a potentially stale value while the user's project list has the correct one.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Search for "Enhanced Style" resource pack
  2. Get a search result with this URL which 404s:
  3. Go to DreamX's profile here:
  4. Find the correct URL in their projects list:

Expected behavior

The URL for the resourcepack in the search results should match the one in the project list.

Additional context

No response

misode commented 4 months ago

Modrinth search is cached, and thus changed are delayed by ~30 minutes

msfjarvis commented 4 months ago

Got it, the cache seems to have rolled over now so I guess everything is working as intended and I just caught a weird timing. Thanks for the info!