modrinth / labrinth

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`GET /v2/projects` does not support certain symbols that `GET /v2/project/{id|slug}` supports #914

Open CCheukKa opened 1 month ago

CCheukKa commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug

If a slug contains certain symbols, GET /v2/projects does not return that project as if it doesn't exist despite GET /v2/project/{id|slug} supporting it without issue. HTML encoding can be used as a workaround.

So far, I have encountered this issue for +.

Steps to reproduce

I'll use Shulker+ as an example since that is where I first encountered the issue.

  1. Make a GET request to["shulker+"]
    • Response: []

Expected behaviour

The response should go through like usual. For reference, making a GET request to yields a normal response.

Additional context

HTML encoding can be used as a workaround:["shulker%2B"], despite this not being necessary for GET /v2/project/{id|slug}.