modrinth / theseus

AKA the Modrinth App, a launcher for Minecraft: Java Edition with a clean look, easy-to-use interface, and deep integration into Modrinth services.
GNU General Public License v3.0
742 stars 116 forks source link

Can't start the appimage from more than one user #1212

Open bynect opened 3 weeks ago

bynect commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug

If I start the modrinth appimage from one user I can't launch it from any other users. When launched it segfaults with this message

thread '<unnamed>' panicked at /home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/
Can't create listener: Os { code: 98, kind: AddrInUse, message: "Address already in use" }
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
zsh: IOT instruction  modrinth-app

I am not sure which address is it trying to connect.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open modrinth in UserA
  2. Close or keep open modrinth for UserA
  3. Open modrinth in UserB
  4. Does not start for UserB

Expected behavior

To be able to use the appimage from more than a single user. Note that this problem happens even if I exit modrinth from UserA and sign out from UserA.

System information

Gentoo linux, modrinth 0.6.3 appimage

Additional context

No response

bynect commented 3 weeks ago

I found that /tmp/com.modrinth.theseus-deep-link.sock is the problem. I don't understand why this is not deleted when modrinth quits or why it is shared for all the users