Open YonderGod opened 8 years ago
World Street Map looks nice.
I used the default one because it doesn't require any API key, and I didn't find the demo page you posted at the time. And it's been working fine for me (though it's ugly).
Let me look at them when I have a minute. In the meantime, you can switch the URL in newmap.html.
To use a different basemap, read and register an account Then in /templates/newmap.html replace line L.tileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {opacity: 0.5}).addTo(map); with L.tileLayer('//{z}/{y}/{x}', {opacity: 0.5}).addTo(map);
My issue with the current (I assume default) map on leaflet is that it doesn't highlight all of the major streets, making it hard to quickly see approximately where a pokemon is or quickly find my current location.
Is it just me, or do others have the same problem?
Preview here:
I suggest: HERE.normalDay or Esri.WorldStreetMap