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Niantic are banning more and more accounts?!?! #231

Open paul30001 opened 7 years ago

paul30001 commented 7 years ago

Guys, everything is slowly combusting and coming down! Niantic is cracking down on everything, I got like 5 out of 300 accs that still work, and those are legit ones, not autocreated.

Some of my legit ones already got banned, is there any hope for these kinds of projects?

andrewbroberg commented 7 years ago

Still got 100+ accounts going with no bans yet. Fingers crossed.

vDrag0n commented 7 years ago

they are definitely banning them. Im losing a couple a day.

If you see a status code 3 for Get map objects, that'll mean its banned. You'll be able to log them in but will always return zero items.

vDrag0n commented 7 years ago

@modrzew Can you add a check for banned status?

if response_dict['status_code'] == 3:
                raise Banned
andrewbroberg commented 7 years ago

And they're gone! RIP accounts.

paul30001 commented 7 years ago


crhbetz commented 7 years ago

As this is labeled discussion anyways ... will I see banned accounts in the worker.log - and if so, what log level?

amistad18 commented 7 years ago

@weizh888 In, after line 45, after this code:

class CannotProcessStep(Exception):
    """Raised when servers are too busy"""


class Banned(Exception):
    """Raised when account was banned"""

line 142, after:

            except CannotProcessStep:
                self.error_code = 'RESTART'


            except Banned:
                self.error_code = 'BAN'
                self.running = False

line 183, after:

            if response_dict is False:
                raise CannotProcessStep


            if response_dict['status_code'] == 3:
                raise Banned

I got 60 accounts banned from 127 running threads. Had a while, so I detected them and switched them with new accounts ... but after night scan, another 6 accounts are banned :(

Kobito123 commented 7 years ago

i use a ptc-account bot but its not allowed to post here

amistad18 commented 7 years ago

@Innenseide I'm not sure if you will see this in log file, maybe if you check for errors, and find those ones with issues related to something like ['responses']['GET_MAP_OBJECTS']['map_cells'] ... but it is better to add those few lines of code from my comment above, then you will be able to see those banned accounts by statuses in console.

@weizh888 No, but I guess I will have to. I still have something like ~50 spare PTC accounts, but if I run out of them, then I will go for + in gmail emails (not sure if dot also works, but + works for sure), or some auto confirmation with temp russian emails.

You may also check this out :)

andrewbroberg commented 7 years ago

A dot doesn't work for emails, it is an allowed character, my email address has a dot in it.

Aiyubi commented 7 years ago

@kravock a dot in your address is invisible Those all get directed to the same inbox

andrewbroberg commented 7 years ago

Well I had no idea, just tested and you're right. Can't believe I didn't know that after having this email for 5 years...