modrzew / pokeminer

Pokemon location scraper
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Python Ubuntu problem #239

Open PuddinPants opened 7 years ago

PuddinPants commented 7 years ago

Upgraded server from 2.7.10 to 3.5 and ran into errors so trying to get rid of 3.5 and just have everything redirect to use 2.7.10 again but no commands from many google searches have worked.

Anyway to uninstall/resintall a fresh go of python without resetting the server? or any commands to get rid of all traces of certain python versions?

thanks a million! Scanners down =(

Aiyubi commented 7 years ago

how did you install python3.5? I guess apt-get install python3 ?

PuddinPants commented 7 years ago

Looks like we finally got 2.7 back on the server but we cant run any scripts as the server is still using 3.5 as default even though sometimes we issue commands and itll say its changed, relog into server and its back to 3.5.

Thank you for the quick replys!

modrzew commented 7 years ago

Use pyenv. You don't need to install anything globally, Python 3.5 will be installed in your home directory. Try it - it's awesome.