modrzew / pokeminer

Pokemon location scraper
MIT License
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Display spawnpoints #241

Closed Aiyubi closed 2 years ago

Aiyubi commented 7 years ago

Currently working on:

TODO List:

to improve list:

Screenshot of WIP (already updated since this pic) wipspawnpoints

modrzew commented 7 years ago

I like it! Should I do the code review, or should I wait with it until you're happy with its shape?

Aiyubi commented 7 years ago

@modrzew todo list is on 2/6 - and some of the code will be touched with clustering. Guess I will have done most tomorrow evening

crhbetz commented 7 years ago

Oh boy, I'm very excited for this!

Do you see any way to include an aggregate of spawn numbers per Pokemon, without cluttering the thing too much? So from the example of your screenshot it could display something like

Hornliu: 3 (50%) Rattfratz: 2 (33,3%) Zubat: 1 (16,6%)

Aiyubi commented 7 years ago

Yes that is the goal in the long run. Also a classification may be included (blue dots for points that get classified as water) But one step after the other

FFroehlich commented 7 years ago

I am currently working on a classifcation algorithm which could be integrated with pokeminer (see I am currently rewriting my matlab code prototype to python, which is now almost done, so this might be possible to do in the not so distant future

Aiyubi commented 7 years ago

@FFroehlich that post was the reason I started this! When you are ready to show something I would be happy to review it.

Aiyubi commented 7 years ago

@modrzew code quality has gone down in the last commits but I will not have much time to code the rest of the week; so I released what I had. Top post has my thoughts on what could be improved.

Also one note: if you use this with python 2.7 there are ascii errors again which I ignored since the project is going 3.5

edit: and remember: you can create pull requests for pull requests ;)

Aiyubi commented 7 years ago

okay couldn't sleep, so added clustering and its amazing! performance has gone way up!

fxbt commented 7 years ago

I just tried it and it's very nice!

I was using it with python 2.7 and as expected, i got an ascii error. With python 3, no problem.

Simple suggestion, it would be nice to not display the filtered pokemon (those in the TRASH_IDS array) as they add a lot of unnecessary data.

Aiyubi commented 7 years ago

@fxbt I really intended something different. It is intended to show all data - this way you can see if there was a skipped spawn or not.

Also what if you have a spawn that only spawned trash? Would this point not be displayed? This way you kind of loose information.

edit: will upload new vesion on sunday