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Different spawn types and invalid tth #267

Open YonderGod opened 7 years ago

YonderGod commented 7 years ago

So currently, I think, 1x30 and 1x45 spawns are displayed incorrectly, but are sort of okay. 1x60 spawns are not displayed at all 2x15 spawns are displayed as 2 separate pokemons

Can we fix this?

leclaida commented 7 years ago

why are all TTH < 0 filtered out by pokeminer? is this not what is causing 1x60 spawns to not be displayed?

Aiyubi commented 7 years ago

@leclaida because only 0min left < TTL < 15 min left is a valid number. Anything else just returns an unusable number. We simply can not know when 60min spawns despawn so we can not handle them in the database.

leclaida commented 7 years ago

i am not familiar with the response from the pgoapi, but my assumption was for spawned pokemon with TTH > 15 the response was -1 (even though they are visible). and it is always -1 for 1x60 spawns.

i am sure my understanding is wrong though.

Aiyubi commented 7 years ago

@leclaida your understanding is good enough. Was big negative and recently changed to big positive.

leclaida commented 7 years ago

@Aiyubi so we can easily display them, by just filtering for numbers > 90000. i guess the issue is how to make them disappear - and i think the only way to do this would be to actually separately database these unique spawns and run some functions to determine what they are.

Dem0N-SPb commented 7 years ago

Here peoples can determine types of spawns.