modrzew / pokeminer

Pokemon location scraper
MIT License
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Access the map from your phone through IP? #268

Closed gatomiaurex closed 7 years ago

gatomiaurex commented 7 years ago

I was using PokemonGo-Map and accessing the map through http://publicip:5000, I started using pokeminer again and it seems it's no longer possible, is this intended? I can access it using Ngrok but it stops working from time to time due to too many connections and localtunnel spends more time crashing than working.

Thanks in advance.

Aiyubi commented 7 years ago

still working fine for me - did you check the output of for errors? edit: also this seems to be an issue with your portforwarding if you can see it only through the tunnel

leclaida commented 7 years ago

also make sure you are not just hosting it on localhost. not sure if pokemongo-map defaults to or not.

otherwise it would be a portforwarding issue like mentioned above.

gatomiaurex commented 7 years ago

Seems like adding the -H thing when running solves this problem, thanks for your help.