modrzew / pokeminer

Pokemon location scraper
MIT License
220 stars 62 forks source link

Makes single-pokemon report image not blurry #273

Closed diceroll123 closed 3 years ago

diceroll123 commented 7 years ago

Turns this: chrome_2016-08-26_02-07-05

Into this: chrome_2016-08-26_02-07-40

Quite powerful with a small bit of code CSS.

modrzew commented 7 years ago


Sadly it's supported in IE with -ms- prefix and not supported at all in Edge. But hey, who cares about those, right?

diceroll123 commented 7 years ago

Oh, right, not everyone uses chrome...

modrzew commented 7 years ago

Some use Firefox - me, for example :wink:

diceroll123 commented 7 years ago

:unamused: Because I'm a kind soul.

untested. I'm going to assume is correct. :eyes: