modrzew / pokeminer

Pokemon location scraper
MIT License
220 stars 62 forks source link

Can you send results to a webpage? #280

Closed JBCreator30 closed 7 years ago

JBCreator30 commented 7 years ago

I understand the allows you to open the map in a web interface, but if I want to access remotely per say through my phone, can I set it to be sent to my personal domain? What I'm trying to do is being able to scan the area I'm usually in, so if I leave the program running on my pc at home I can access it from the internet, plus I want to be able to share it with my buddies

modrzew commented 7 years ago

You can run the interface with

python --host --port 8000

where host is IP app should listen on (optionally domain, not sure if that would work), and port is... well, the port.