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PoWER-BERT: Accelerating BERT Inference via Progressive Word-vector Elimination #21

Closed seopbo closed 4 years ago

seopbo commented 4 years ago

어떤 내용의 논문인가요? 👋

상대적으로 덜 중요한 Word vector를 제거함으로써, GLUE Task 에서 BERT 대비 Acc의 손실은 1% 이하로 유지하면서 속도는 최대 4.5배 향상함.

Abstract (요약) 🕵🏻‍♂️

We develop a novel method, called PoWER-BERT, for improving the inference time of the popular BERT model, while maintaining the accuracy. It works by: a) exploiting redundancy pertaining to word-vectors (intermediate encoder outputs) and eliminating the redundant vectors. b) determining which word-vectors to eliminate by developing a strategy for measuring their significance, based on the self-attention mechanism. c) learning how many word-vectors to eliminate by augmenting the BERT model and the loss function. Experiments on the standard GLUE benchmark shows that PoWER-BERT achieves up to 4.5x reductionin inference time over BERT with < 1% loss in accuracy. We show that PoWER-BERT offers significantly better trade-off between accuracy and inference time compared to prior methods. We demonstrate that our method attains up to 6.8x reduction in inference time with < 1% loss in accuracy when applied over ALBERT, a highly compressed version of BERT. The code for PoWER-BERT is publicly available at

이 논문을 읽어서 무엇을 배울 수 있는지 알려주세요! 🤔

1. Introduction


Previous Work

Our Objective and Approach

2. Background

3. PoWER-BERT Scheme


Diffusion of Information

PoWER-BERT Components

Word-vector Selection

Retention configuration

Loss Function

Training PoWER-BERT

총 3개의 스텝으로 진행 1) Fine-tunning : Pre-trained BERT 모델로 Fine-tuning 2) Configuration-search : Soft-extract Layer를 fined-tunned 모델에 추가하고 Loss function을 수정. Inference Time과 acc 사이의 적절한 trade-off를 찾기 위해 Lambda 와 retention parameter 를 학습함. 이때 LR은 10~100배까지 크게 사용. 3) Re-training : Soft-extract layer를 extract layer로 대체. 제거될 word-vector들의 숫자는 2)에서 찾은 configuration으로 결정. 어떤 word vector를 제거할지는 significance score로 결정. (CLS는 제거되지 않음)

4. Evaluation


5. Conclusion

같이 읽어보면 좋을 만한 글이나 이슈가 있을까요?

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