modularml / mojo

The Mojo Programming Language
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[docs] Misc documentation fixes #36

Closed elliotwaite closed 1 year ago

elliotwaite commented 1 year ago

Here are some potential docs fixes I found. I'm not sure if they're all correct so feel free to ignore any that are unwanted.

Page: Why Mojo🔥

When we started Modular, we had no intentions of building a new programming language.

"intentions" → "intention"

The journey there gives good confidence we can do this right for the Python community.

"gives good" → "gives us good"

... where incremental work put in for migration will yield incremental benefit.

"benefit" → "benefits"

For example, Mojo provides a backtick feature that allows use of any keyword as an identifier, ...

"allows use" → "allows the use"

Python is the dominant force in both the field ML and also ...

"field ML" → "ML field"

Python supports development of beautiful and expressive APIs ...

"supports development" → "supports the development"

... which led machine learning frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch embraced Python as ...

"embraced" → "to embrace"

More subjectively, we feel that Python is a beautiful language - designed with simple and composable abstractions, eschews needless punctuation that is redundant-in-practice with indentation, and built with powerful (dynamic) metaprogramming features ...

"and built" → "and is built"

Unfortunately, while this approach is an effective way to building high performance Python libraries, ...

"building" → "build"

The challenges with these approaches is that ...

"challenges" → "challenge"

Page: Mojo🔥 programming manual

Location: Overloaded functions and methods

When resolving a function call, Mojo tries each candidate and use the one that works (if only one works), or it picks the closest match (if it can determine a close match), or it reports that the call as ambiguous if it can’t figure out which one to pick.

"use" → "uses" "as ambiguous" → "is ambiguous"

Location: Using parameterized types and functions

fn funWithSIMD():
    # Make a vector of 4 floats.
    let smallVec = SIMD[DType.f32, 4](1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)

    # Make a big vector containing 1.0 in bfloat16 format.
    let bigVec = SIMD[DType.bf16, 32].splat(1.0)

    # Do some math and convert the elements to float32.
    let biggerVec = (bigVec+bigVec).cast[DType.f32]()

    # You can write types out explicitly if you want of course.
    let biggerVec2 : SIMD[DType.f32, 32] = biggerVec

Maybe these variables should use snake case to align with the standard Python style (small_vec, big_vec, bigger_vec, bigger_vec_2).

Location: The __copyinit__ and __moveinit__ special methods

This is more control than languages like Swift and Rust, which require values to at least be movable.

I think "offer" should be inserted after "Rust".

Location: Parameterization: compile time meta-programming

We have currently decided to reclaim the word “parameter”, “parameter expression” to mean compile time value, ...

Insert an "and" after the comma, like this:

word “parameter”, and “parameter expression” to mean compile time value, ...

Location: Autotuning / Adaptive compilation

best_idx = f_idx

I think this is supposed to be best_idx = i.

Location: Why argument conventions are important

e.g. “__iadd__"? How does”let" work and ...

The double quotes could be fixed here, but it might look even better if they were removed altogether, like this:

e.g. __iadd__? How does let work and ...

There are several other occurrences of double quotes around inline code elements on this page where I think the double quotes could be removed since they seem somewhat redundant, but that may just be my personal taste:

Location: fn definitions

Location: Defining parameterized types and functions

Location: “Borrowed” argument convention

Location: “Owned” argument convention and postfix ^ operator

e.g., our MyString type from earlier my be defined as:

"my" → "may"

Location: @register_passable struct decorator

it still needs to have a __copyinit__ method to be copyable, may still have a __init__ and __del__ methods, etc.

This reads strangely because the "a" is singular but "methods" is plural. I think the "a" can be removed:

it still needs to have a __copyinit__ method to be copyable, may still have __init__ and __del__ methods, etc.

Also in this section:

  1. instances of @register_passable types do not have predictable identity, and so the ‘self’ pointer is not stable/predictable (e.g. in hash tables).

Maybe "have predictable" should be "have a predictable".

  1. @register_passablearguments and result are exposed to C and C++ directly, instead of being passed by-pointer.

A space can be added between @register_passable and "arguments". And maybe "result" should be changed to "results" or "the result" to make it read more smoothly.

  1. The __init__ and __copyinit__ methods of this type are implicitly static (like new in Python) and returns its result by-value instead of taking self&.

I think "and returns its result by-value" should be "and they return their results by-value".

Location: “Value Lifecycle”: Birth, life and death of a value

... we can look at how to put together together to model important types ...

I think "together together" is supposed to be "them together".

Location: Non-movable and non-copyable types

If we take a step up the ladder of sophistication, we’ll get to types that can be instantiated, but once they are pinned to an address in memory and cannot be implicitly moved or copied.

I think "and cannot" is supposed to be "they cannot".

Location: Unique “move-only” types

fn __moveinit__(self&, consuming existing: Self):

I think consuming existing: Self is supposed to be owned existing: Self. This occurs a second time on this page in the Types that support a “stealing move” section: fn __moveinit__(self&, consuming existing: Self): # as above

Also in this section, I think the code comment # This is the new. was supposed to be something like # This is the new key capability. (which is what the comment is in the example slightly below it.

Also in this section:

This is because instances of FileDescriptor may exist at different locations, and they can be logically moved around - stealing the body of one value and moving it another.

"it another" → "it to another"

Location: Copyable types

Each of these approaches has different tradeoffs, and Mojo takes the opinion that while we want a few common sets of collection types, that we can also support a wide range of specialized ones that focus on particular use cases.

"types, that we" → "types, we"

It implements the __copyinit__, which maintains the invariant that each instance of MyString owns their underlying pointer and frees it on destruction.

"owns their" → "owns its"

Mojo destroys values eagerly, which allows it to use frequently transform copy+destroy pairs into a move operation, ...

"to use frequently transform" → "to frequently transform"

Location: @value decorator

There is no way to suppress generation of specific methods or customize generation at this time, ...

"suppress generation" → "suppress the generation"

Location: Behavior of destructors

Destroying values at the end of scope in C++ is problematic ...

Maybe "end of scope" should be "end of the scope".

Location: @parameter decorator

A particular aspect of this feature is that it allows closures that captures runtime values to be passed as parameter values.

"captures" → "capture"

Location: Field lifetimes of owned arguments in __del__and __moveinit__

In the section title, a space can be added between __del__ and "and".

Also in this section, there are two places where consume(^str1) is used, but I thought the ^ was supposed to be a postfix operator unless I'm confused and this is different than the postfix-^ "consume" operator.

Also in this section:

In this case, if “consume” implicitly refers to some value in str2 somehow,

this will ensure that str2 isn’t destroyed until the last use when it is accessed by the _ pattern.

Remove the extra line breaks between "somehow," and "this".

Location: Direct access to MLIR

Please take a look at the Low level IR in Mojo to learn how to use the __mlir_type, __mlir_op, __mlir_type constructs.

I'm not sure, but I think the ending of this sentence was supposed to be "__mlir_type, __mlir_op, and __mlir_attr constructs".

All of the builtins and standard library is implemented by just calling ...

Maybe "and standard library" should be "and the standard library".

Page: Mandelbrot in Mojo with Python plots

Not only is Mojo great for writing high-performance code, but it also allows us to leverage huge Python ecosystem of libraries and tools.

"huge" → "the huge"

Page: Mojo🔥 roadmap & sharp edges

It can also be seen as an acknowledgement of ...

"acknowledgement" → "acknowledgment"

The later approach worked well for Swift ...

"later" → "latter"

Mojo aliases can refer to parametric values but themselves cannot be parameter.

"parameter" → "a parameter"

The rememdy is to manually “rebind” the type of x, ...

"rememdy" → "remedy"

... because you pass-by-value compact struct types without indirectin via the stack.

"indirectin" → "indirection"

struct IntTriple:
    var x: Int
    var y: Int
    var z: Int

fn take_int_pair(v: IntPair):

let v = IntPair{x: 1, y: 2, z: 3} # no address -- it isn't on the stack!
take_int_pair(v) # copy all elements

take_int_pairtake_int_triple IntPairIntTriple

For instance, DynamicVector will not raise an out-of-bounds accesses (it will crash),

"accesses" → "access"

We will circle back to this when more language features and language-level optimizations are avaiable.

"avaiable" → "available"


Locaion: simd_strided_load

Perform a strided store of the SIMD vector.

"store" → "load"

The stride between stores.

"stores" → "loads"

Location: PrefetchOptions

possible locality values are: NoLocality, LowLocality, MediumLocality, HighLocality, and VeryHighLocality.

I'm not sure if this is anything that needs to be fixed, but it seemed odd to me so I thought I'd mention it here just in case. The docs mention the possible VeryHighLocality value, but the highest PrefetchLocality alias is HIGH and the highest locality-related method is high_locality(), neither having a "very high" variant. So I wasn't sure if this inconsistency was intentional or not.

Also, when viewing the docs on an iPad using Chrome, toggling the light/dark-theme switch resets the scroll position to the top of the page.

lattner commented 1 year ago

Wow, thank you so much Elliot! @scottamain can you take a look at these next week?

scottamain commented 1 year ago

Yes, thank you for all the suggestions!

elliotwaite commented 1 year ago

No problem, happy to help. I've been enjoying learning about Mojo.

If the docs become available on GitHub in the future, I'll be sure to submit a PR instead, but hopefully this method of submitting docs suggestions works in the meantime.

lattner commented 1 year ago

+1, I'd like that too, we just have to get a bit more organized.

elliotwaite commented 1 year ago

Sounds good. This works for me for now.

elliotwaite commented 1 year ago

Woah, @scottamain, I just realized I worked with you at Google! Back around 2016. We were on different teams but your desk was pretty close to mine. Small world. Modular seems like a cool team to be a part of. Hope you're doing well.

scottamain commented 1 year ago

Haha, yeah @elliotwaite! My reflexes recognized you and I didn't pause to realize you didn't have access to these files. 😆 Great to see you exploring Mojo! I've been at Modular for a month (it's awesome!) so still exploring it myself.

elliotwaite commented 1 year ago

Haha, nice. Yeah, for a second there I thought there was another public repo I was unaware of, but that makes sense now.

I'm glad to hear you're enjoying it. It seems like an exciting time to be there. From what I've been seeing online, it seems like a lot of people are rooting for you guys.

Well, I should probably save the chitchat for somewhere other than this GitHub issue, but it's good to hear from you, and I'll be looking forward to reading your writing.

scottamain commented 1 year ago

Thanks again @elliotwaite ! I believe all doc these issues have been resolved. Many are online now and others will be published soon.

As for the website toggle bug, this is a website framework issue and I can't repro on my mobile, so pretty low priority for us. But thanks for the heads up; I'll look out for similar issues.

elliotwaite commented 1 year ago

Sounds good.