Open michaelpb opened 1 year ago
Work on it:
1112 modulo.register('processor', function imageSrc (modulo, def, value, callback = null) {
1113 const { getParentDefPath, keyFilter } = modulo.registry.utils;
1114 const img = new window.Image();
1115 img.crossOrigin = '';
1116 img.onload = () => {
1117 const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
1118 const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
1119 canvas.width = img.width;
1120 canvas.height = img.height;
1121 const isLower = key => key[0].toLowerCase() === key[0];
1122 Object.assign(ctx, keyFilter(def, isLower));
1123 if (callback) {
1124 callback(ctx, canvas, img);
1125 }
1126 ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
1127 def.ImageContent = canvas.toDataURL();
1128 };
1129 //img.src = value.startsWith('data:') ? value :
1130 // (new URL(value, getParentDefPath(modulo, def))).href;
1131 img.src = '';
1132 });
1134 modulo.register('cpart', class Image {
1135 initializedCallback(renderObj) { // TODO: Refactor with Template
1136 const engine = this.conf.engine || 'ImageTemplater';
1137 this.canvas = window.document.createElement('canvas');
1138 this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
1139 Object.assign(this.canvas, { height: 1, width: 1 });
1140 this.templater = new this.modulo.registry.engines[engine](this.modulo, this.conf);
1141 this.templater.modes.text = (text) => {
1142 const img = new window.Image();
1143 img.crossOrigin = '';
1144 img.onload = () => {
1145 canvas.width = img.width;
1146 canvas.height = img.height;
1147 const isLower = key => key[0].toLowerCase() === key[0];
1148 Object.assign(ctx, keyFilter(def, isLower));
1149 if (callback) {
1150 callback(ctx, canvas, img);
1151 }
1152 ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
1153 def.ImageContent = canvas.toDataURL();
1154 };
1155 img.src
1156 return '';
1157 };
1158 const render = this.templater.render.bind(this.templater);
1159 return { render }; // Expose render to include, renderas etc
1160 }
1161 prepareCallback(renderObj) {
1162 if (!this.def && this.conf) { this.def = this.conf; } // XXX rm
1163 return {
1164 src: this.ImageContent,
1165 };
1166 }
1167 }, {
1168 lifecycle: null,
1169 engine: 'ImageTemplater',
1170 TemplatePrebuild: "yes",
1171 //DefLoaders: [ 'DefinedAs', 'ImageSrc', 'Src' ],
1172 DefFinalizers: [ 'TemplatePrebuild' ]
1173 //DefBuilders: [ 'Content|Code' ],
1174 //TODO: Use templater as follows: Every method becomes a templatetag:
1175 // {% begin-path %} {% fill-rect 0 0 100 100 %} etc
1176 // The text output gets split along newlines, and every value becomes
1177 // kind of a DSL that is fed into imageSrc:
1178 // - URL to an iamge ( is valid)
1179 // - Data URL (e.g. )
1180 // - JSON prefix ({"filter": ... })
1181 // Run once during render to generate base canvas (no images will have
1182 // loaded)
1183 // Then, after the last image loads, does another async callback to paint
1184 // over images (but skips image load attempts)
1185 });
As a user of Modulo, I often want to do various image pre-processing, such as adjusting colors, cropping, or resizing large source images, and it would be convenient if that could be done at build time, even if I am using Modulo in the browser.
Or, for further customization, the canvas would be available:
We can also run this on render, so it can do non-static templating (requires mode="embed" so it won't discard the original)
This allows for tons of processing-style image manipulation.
Create a succinct image processing system that uses the ctx.filter property (see below) to load image.
, then during build, exports as hashed png and deletedef
(default), otherwise if mode="embed", keep in base64 in JS (hope that gzip will make less wastefull!)mode="embed"
, allows for<img src="{{ my_image|cssfilter:'sepia(0.5)' }}" />
- e.g. live, template-rendering-time image filteringCould be done in <50 lines of code, and would be pretty useful and important.