modx-ccc-2015 / whishlist

The overall repository with MODX issues to tackle together at the MODX CCC 2015. This place is ment to be as a big pond of possibilies.
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TV-Categories as own tabs in resource-editing-interface (activatetable in the system-settings) #26

Open JensWolff opened 9 years ago

JensWolff commented 9 years ago

It would be nice, if you could set a system-setting, that allows to divide the template-variables-tab in the resource-editing-interface into different tabs, based on the tv-categories: bundle template variables

wuuti commented 9 years ago

+1 - but we have to be careful, as this is "orthogonal" to the already builtin behaviour of showing vertically stacked category tabs for tvs...

gpsietzema commented 9 years ago

You can already do this using Form Customization afaik.

JensWolff commented 9 years ago

@gpsietzema If you can do this, that would be cool. But how to do it?

labr1005 commented 9 years ago

@JensWolff Manager Customization:

Create a new tab inside "Regions" for your set bildschirmfoto-2015-01-21-um-09 56

Set the ID from the new region for your TV bildschirmfoto-2015-01-21-um-09 57

Done bildschirmfoto-2015-01-21-um-09 58

JensWolff commented 9 years ago

Thanks @labr1005 for the quick Tutorial! Thats a good way to do it! ;-)

wuuti commented 9 years ago

Yes, you can do this somehow with FC. But Tabs in FC are buggy (their entries disappear when you deselect them and reload them - problems with articles tabs are known) - and you have to do this manually. I thought @JensWolff wanted the tabs to be automatically created depending on the categories?

JensWolff commented 9 years ago

@inreti Okay, I have reopened the issue, so that we perhaps find a better working, automatic solution for this together.

rocaoliveira commented 9 years ago

Hi, @labr1005 where i see this option in Modx 2.3.5?