Open sumoborac opened 10 years ago
sumoborac created Redmine issue ID 10363
When you create a new Menu in revo 2.3.0-dev the menu is not shown because it's in root. When you try to move it to topnav menu the processor isn't found.
in manager/assets/modext/widgets/system/
add the ,sortAction: 'system/menu/sort'
@ MODx.tree.Menu = function(config) { config = config || {}; Ext.applyIf(config,{ rootid: 'n' ,rootname: ('menu_top') ,rootVisible: true ,expandFirst: true ,enableDrag: true ,enableDrop: true ,sortAction: 'system/menu/sort' ,url: MODx.config.connectorurl ,action: 'system/menu/getNodes' ,primaryKey: 'text' ,useDefaultToolbar: true ,ddGroup: 'modx-menu' ,tbar: [{ text: ('menu_create') ,cls:'primary-button' ,handler: this.createMenu ,scope: this }] });,config); }; @ and the sorting works :)
sumoborac created Redmine issue ID 10363
When you create a new Menu in revo 2.3.0-dev the menu is not shown because it's in root. When you try to move it to topnav menu the processor isn't found.
in manager/assets/modext/widgets/system/
add the ,sortAction: 'system/menu/sort'
@ MODx.tree.Menu = function(config) { config = config || {}; Ext.applyIf(config,{ rootid: 'n' ,rootname: ('menu_top') ,rootVisible: true ,expandFirst: true ,enableDrag: true ,enableDrop: true ,sortAction: 'system/menu/sort' ,url: MODx.config.connectorurl ,action: 'system/menu/getNodes' ,primaryKey: 'text' ,useDefaultToolbar: true ,ddGroup: 'modx-menu' ,tbar: [{ text: ('menu_create') ,cls:'primary-button' ,handler: this.createMenu ,scope: this }] });,config); }; @ and the sorting works :)