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Replace MagpieRSS with SimplePIe #2797

Open freelancewebdev opened 13 years ago

freelancewebdev commented 13 years ago

freelancewebdev created Redmine issue ID 2797

I would suggest that MagpieRSS is replaced with Simplepie for the following reasons as described on the Simplepie website:

SimplePie is being actively developed. The most recent development release of MagpieRSS was 2.0-alpha-alpha-alpha back in October 2006. The last stable release was in November 2005. SimplePie doesn't require you to understand the XML guts. MagpieRSS offers you ONLY a data array based on the guts. SimplePie fully supports AND normalizes all documented versions of RSS, and all popular versions of Atom. MagpieRSS has very limited Atom support, and doesn't do much normalizing. SimplePie can correctly parse Tim Bray's Atom 1.0 feed. MagpieRSS doesn't come close. SimplePie has a well-trafficked support forum, public SVN repository, and a TON of unit tests. Does ANYONE know what's going on with MagpieRSS? SimplePie sanitizes the content of the feed to ensure safety against malicious feeds. MagpieRSS doesn't implement any kind of data sanitization. SimplePie has a less restrictive license than MagpieRSS. MagpieRSS is licensed under the GPL which is more restrictive than SimplePie's BSD licensing. SimplePie is contained in a single file for easier portability. MagpieRSS comes in 4 separate files making it harder to move around without issues. SimplePie supports the detection and embedding of audio and video podcasts including the popular Media RSS and iTunes RSS elements. MagpieRSS has no explicit enclosure support.

rmccue commented 13 years ago

rmccue submitted:

Hi there, I'm Ryan McCue, the lead maintainer of SimplePie. I'm more than happy to help you guys transition from Magpie if you need.

If you'd like to know anything, or need anything, please let me know!

Thanks, Ryan.

splittingred commented 13 years ago

splittingred submitted:

Pushing to 2.1 to prevent incompatibility issues with certain Extras using modRSSParser. Until then, $modx->getService can easily be used to use SimplePie.

goldsky commented 13 years ago

goldsky submitted:

I've make the spiefeed snippet, based on the Simple Pie. I've mentioned @simplepie on this matter. Perhaps that can help you for the current usage.