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Image TV url/path bug #3481

Open multimedia opened 13 years ago

multimedia commented 13 years ago

multimedia created Redmine issue ID 3481

The bug that occured from release Revolution-2.0.6-pl regarding image TV url values, filemanager_path and filemanager_url seems to work better now in Revolution-2.0.7-pl. But it still has some problems. Maybe this has to do with using different contexts and filemanager_path and filemanager_url settings per context.


h3. Context

This are the systemsettings for the contexts regarding the filemanager:

Context 'orcon':

Context 'haen':

h3. Folder overview

Here is an overview of the image folder structure inside httpdocs:

/assets/images/default/ /assets/images/orcon/ /assets/images/orcon/level1/ /assets/images/orcon/level1/image.jpg /assets/images/orcon/level2/ /assets/images/orcon/level2/image.jpg /assets/images/orcon/level3/ /assets/images/orcon/level3/image.jpg /assets/images/haen/ /assets/images/haen/level1/ /assets/images/haen/level1/image.jpg /assets/images/haen/level2/ /assets/images/haen/level2/image.jpg /assets/images/haen/level3/ /assets/images/haen/level3/image.jpg

h3. Description

This is what happens when im editing/creating a resource in context 'orcon' with a template that has an image TV attached to it:

Now a different situation, where im showing the image scaled by phpthumbof on the website. Everything is the same as above, only i select an image from assets/images/orcon/level3/ I'm using the phpthumbof output filter like this:


But after going back to the manager editing the same resource and saving it:

Possible solution:

When browsing for an image to use as value for an image TV. Always use the full url from the MODx base_url when filemanager_url is set and filemanager_url_relative is Yes.

So that after selecting an image the image TV value is the complete url eg. assets/images/orcon/level3/image.jpg If the code to do that combines the filemanager_url with the relative url from there to the image look if the filemanager_url ends with a slash and the relative url from the filemanager_url to the image starts with a /. If so remove one / and then combine. From that url generate the thumbnail to use below the image TV input field.

That might solve the problem.

Could it be the extra / is the base_url that been put in the wrong place?

multimedia commented 13 years ago

multimedia submitted:

i noticed the last url to the image it combined:

the url is:

filemanager_url from systemsettings = assets/images/default/

and the image TV value = assets/images/orcon/level3/image.jpg

this is strange because im looking at a page from/in context 'orcon'. it should not get the filemanager_url from systemsettings there.

Also strange because this image should be passed trough phpthumbof and should have something like assets/components/phpthumbof/ in the url

modxbot commented 13 years ago

everettg_99 submitted:

This might be related to this issue:

slackero commented 12 years ago

slackero submitted:

Same experience here:

Revolution MODX Revolution 2.2.1-pl (traditional) phpthumbof-1.3.2-pl

Template Var Input Type Image @basePath assets/content/ basePathRelative Yes baseUrl assets/content/ baseUrlRelative Yes@

My modx site is installed in subdirectory @

A false path is given. It seems not to be the fault of phpThumbOf. Seems the file path is set wrong by TV by prepending MODX_BASE_URL to basePath while MODX_BASE_PATH is given too (which is the full path into the subdirectory MODX

So it fails because image cannot be found, results in something like this: @/sites/myvhost/MODX//MODX/assets/content/myimage.jpg@

Correct would be: @/sites/myvhost/MODX/assets/content/myimage.jpg@

modxbot commented 11 years ago

apollo21 submitted:

Any solution? I have the same problem :(