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Permissions (ACLs) & Templates completely messed up after 2.2.7 update! #9826

Closed exside closed 11 years ago

exside commented 11 years ago

exside created Redmine issue ID 9826

OK, I've just spend a half day trying to find out what's going on (without breaking the site because the editors work on it) and this seems really a bad one^^... discovered it after checking my own permissions when I read this:

seems my case is even worse.

I have several (4) duplicated Permissions (Administrator, Content Editor x 3) which I edited to fit my needs. This seems to be the only way the permissions don't get overwritten when you update (because the standard ones get reset), the problem is now, that these are somehow not editable and not loaded into the grid (the names are, see screenshots), luckily they're still in the db (modx_access_policies table) and thus work, but I cannot edit them, which is very bad...

I exported one of these and I get a (at least seem to me) correct xml output with all the permissions, like everything is fine.

It gets worse, when I re-import that just exported policy, it get's added to the grid in the manager, BUT NOT into the DB table, there is no new row, nothing (although the ajax processor says success somehow, nothing red in firebug when watching the network tab)...the problem is now that I CAN'T DELETE any of the policies, so I have na a "Duplicate of Admin" which isn't in the DB, also doesn't have any permissions in it and I also cannot delete it from the grid via right click -> remove ^^ the grid row count at the bottom shows strange stuff like 1-15 from 14 =D...I absolutely don't get it, I can then clear the modx cache (also cleared browser cache, just in case) and that "phantom" ACL is gone again from the grid.

So basically the permission system seems completely broken after an update from 2.2.6pl-advanced to 2.2.7pl-advanced, didn't want to try it with another installation yet. Would be interested is this is just an issue with my installation or does somebody else have these issues too?

exside commented 11 years ago

exside submitted:

OK, I think I see what's happening!

If you have a look at the screenshots I attached in the opening post then you can see there in the policy templates section that there are Templates like "AdminTemplate" or "MemberTemplate" or "EditorTemplate"...I have never created them^^...I just use the "AdministratorTemplate" for most of my custom policies, so these were somehow created, for whatever reason, AND they were also linked to the ACL with the "same" name, so the ACL "Editor" is now linked to "EditorTemplate" instead of "AdministratorTemplate" as it was before the update, same for "Admin" / "AdminTemplate" (instead of "AdministratorTemplate") and so on, this was written to the db, so there the "Admin" ACL now has a Template of ID 7 (which is that magically created empty AdminTemplate) instead of 1 (which would be the AdministratorTemplate), this goes on for every custom created policy which has now an unwanted custom created template with a camelCased Template behind it's name^^ =)

I just tried to manually set the template id of "Admin" back to 1 in the db itself and see, works again^^, did that with the others too, deleted the "magically" created templates and now the system works again as it should!

Just notice that there is an AdministratorTemplate assigned to the Media Source User (standard policy) and created a new template "MediaSourceAdminTemplate" which is linked to the Media Source Admin (standard policy)...

I also attached a new screenshot of an "old" 2.2.6 installation with a similar permission setup, that's how it should look =D... I think this "bug" or whatever it is should be a reason for a pl2 fix^^, in bigger installation this could f*\ things up big time (at least if I'm not the only one having this isse...)

gadamiak commented 11 years ago

gadamiak submitted:

Sounds similar to #7574 (see "note-5":

exside commented 11 years ago

exside submitted:

@gadarniak, yes it does (know that media source acl problem very well =D), it's usually easy to fix by just deleting the Media Source Admin policy and importing it from a correct xml export file, but this one is much worse, seems to me like something related to this was "fixed" and now completely messes up ALL ACLs^^...btw. only the custom made ones (which we need when we don't want them to get overwritten when updating).

netProphET commented 11 years ago

netprophet submitted:

I can confirm this via tests in MODX Cloud. The following upgrades all reproduce the problem.

The simplest way to reproduce is with a clean MODX install, no custom PolicyTemplates necessary. The following problems arise identically for each of the above-listed upgrades:

I don't doubt that additional problems could present with certain custom Policy Templates as well, though in my tests so far, I have not seen this.

netProphET commented 11 years ago

netprophet submitted:

Proposed fix:

exside commented 11 years ago

exside submitted:

yess, thank you so much for this! this should be merged immediately =)!

pixelchutes commented 11 years ago

pixelchutes submitted:

What are the necessary steps to revert this issue for clean MODX installs? Are direct DB edits a requirement, or can an automated "patch" be applied during setup / upgrade without impacting users that may already be relying on the bad Policy Templates?