modxcms / a11y

MODX Accessibility for the Manager
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Theme Switcher #13

Closed rthrash closed 8 years ago

rthrash commented 9 years ago

"You are currently using the default Manager Theme. Click here to switch to the accessible theme."

This would be hidden via CSS.

paulbohman commented 9 years ago

You might want to be a bit more specific, rather than just say "the accessible theme." You could say "enhanced contrast theme" or something along those lines... assuming that is the major difference. Or if you really are going to have one accessible version and one inaccessible version, then I guess your message would be appropriate, but I hope you don't do that.

Another thought: many screen reader users probably won't need an enhanced contrast version, because if they're blind, they can't see it anyway! But there are some people who use screen readers who have some vision who would appreciate an enhanced contrast version. But really the enhanced contrast version is for sighted users, so I wouldn't hide that message using CSS. You want your sighted users to see the message. Otherwise how are they going to find it? Maybe it's best to have an icon or menu item that says "Theme Options" and list the options there. The trick would be to make sure everyone can find that menu item -- especially people who can't see well.

dubrod commented 9 years ago

The "enhanced contrast" version and the "accessible screen reader" version are all under this project. Like you said one won't really conflict with the other, sighted wont use SR, and SR cant see contrast, but used in conjunction could be a glorious experience for someone. Plus, 1 less repo to manage.

That actual deployment of this theme is still open for discussion.

electrickite commented 9 years ago

IMHO, there should be two accessible ways to switch the manager theme to the enhanced version. The first would be an option during the installation process. The second would be something like what is suggested above.

kensgists commented 9 years ago

I'll echo Paul's comment -- "I hope you don't do that" with accessible v. inaccessible themes. Ideally, the "old" theme would be the "tired, inaccessible" one and the "new and improved" theme would be accessible to screen reader and keyboard users out of the box, maybe with the "enchance contrast" option in the theme settings.

Trying to avoid the unfortunate, "second class" bifurcation many screen reader users and users with disabilities, generally, are all too used to.

And Cory/electrickite I think makes a good suggestion. If it can be preferenced during install, then individual users would have less to fuss with post deployment.

rthrash commented 8 years ago

There is now a Dashboard widget with a pending update that will use the following text, which I hope captures the spirit and functional requirements. The a11y theme definitely should and will be a first-class UI.

The a11y theme enhances visual contrast, keyboard navigation and compatibility with screen readers. Use the select list to change your theme.