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MODX Accessibility for the Manager
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Tree Node ARIA Roles #68

Closed dubrod closed 8 years ago

dubrod commented 8 years ago

I hope this one doesnt get too confusing.

In the tree, we have 3 parent LI , and under that a huge series of div's and then another UL

So if im at the Resources List , find the Span for Website , its parent UL is:

<ul class="x-tree-root-ct x-tree-arrows" id="ext-gen29">

needs to add

<ul class="x-tree-root-ct x-tree-arrows" id="ext-gen29" role="tree" aria-labelledby="ext-gen24">

with ext-gen24 being the ID for the Resources span

The first LI inside the above:

<li class="x-tree-node" role="treeitem" aria-labelledby="extdd-3" aria-selected="false" aria-level="1">

at the UL after Website and before Home looks like this:

<ul class="x-tree-node-ct" role="group">

its first LI is what needs to be edited

dubrod commented 8 years ago

@paulbohman and @kensgists the tabbing and directional keys are still a little iffy but we have aria-expanded and labelled by now.