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[Edit Suggestion] INHERIT Binding #125

Open janwidmer opened 8 years ago

janwidmer commented 8 years ago

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Issue or Suggestion

The following Passage seems to be wrong accoring to my tests and also the forum AMB Member Scottwell:

"Note that this is a dynamic lookup that occurs whenever the child page is saved and its value is empty. If you later edit the values in the parent, these will be reflected in the child. You can break the inheritance by supplying your own value in the child. You may also restore the inheritance by deleting the value and leaving the field empty."

It seems, that the only way of restoring the inheritance is to set the same value to the tv of the child page, as the parent page passes down. Leaving the field empty still stores an entry in the table modx_site_tmplvar_contentvalues, but just en empty string..

Either, the documentation or the implementation is wrong here..

For further information, see the forum post

Best Regards Jan

opengeek commented 8 years ago

I thought there was a link to reset the value to be inherited if it was overriding an inherited value? Is this not the case?

janwidmer commented 8 years ago

Mmmh either, I overlooked that or there is no such link..the only thing I see, is a small hint text on the right top of the field which says "Value inherited"

janwidmer commented 8 years ago

Aaah now I just found it..the link is only displayed if you hover over the field name


Still, the documentation says, if you leave the field empty, it takes the inherited value, which appears to not be true.. (See