moeCrafters / moeGramX

The main repository of moeGramX — the moest client based on Telegram-X and TDLib.
GNU General Public License v3.0
65 stars 4 forks source link

make a special build version of MGX #29

Closed DI555 closed 6 months ago

DI555 commented 6 months ago

@jplie , since no sms to phone, and it is obviously a rudeness((, could you please making also and builds by a telegraher way, - using the official keys and some telegraher’s patches/commits ???

jplie commented 6 months ago

Neither method such as use of vanilla keys can't bring back SMS and email codes sending because of another telegram checks that cannot be bypassed.

DI555 commented 6 months ago
jplie commented 6 months ago

Yep, it sounds not too complicated, but anyway do such work for the thing, that you will use only one time to login too wasteful. And anyway you can install vanilla tg to login for the only one time. I can add it todo, but I have a lot of things that will be used a lot frequently and need to be implemented too.

nubesurrealista commented 6 months ago

@jplie We love u Kirao, relax and calm down

jplie commented 6 months ago

@dskzero22 Why it always add my tag, that also sends me push from GitHub