moefyit / vuepress-plugin-meting

:cake: A simple plugin connect APlayer, Meting and VuePress.
MIT License
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The picture loading is abnormal when there is no incoming audio. #34

Closed MoeCinnamo closed 2 years ago

MoeCinnamo commented 2 years ago

It is recommended to add a function that has no audio pictures to customize.

MoeCinnamo commented 2 years ago

It is best to remove anything that uses jsdelivr. It's too unstable.

SigureMo commented 2 years ago

It is best to remove anything that uses jsdelivr. It's too unstable.

jsdelivr?指的是什么?我不清楚哪里有访问过 jsdelivr 的资源

It is recommended to add a function that has no audio pictures to customize.

不显示图片吗?emmm,就 VueAplayer 而言没看到暴露相关 API,我也做不到啊……

MoeCinnamo commented 2 years ago

It is best to remove anything that uses jsdelivr. It's too unstable.

jsdelivr?指的是什么?我不清楚哪里有访问过 jsdelivr 的资源

It is recommended to add a function that has no audio pictures to customize.

不显示图片吗?emmm,就 VueAplayer 而言没看到暴露相关 API,我也做不到啊……


SigureMo commented 2 years ago

我的头像是 GitHub 资源(,不是 jsdelivr,删掉的话默认值是 vue-aplayer 作者 u3u 的头像,如果你无法访问前者的话,这个也同样访问不了 这个你可以访问吗

MoeCinnamo commented 2 years ago




MoeCinnamo commented 2 years ago


SigureMo commented 2 years ago

我刚刚发布了 0.3.2,允许自定义默认封面图,你可以试一下

// .vuepress/config.js
module.exports = {
   plugins: [
         // 这个 API 是不可用的,只是作为示例而已
         metingApi: '',
         meting: {
            server: 'netease',
            type: 'playlist',
            mid: '6838211960',
         }, // 不配置该项的话不会出现全局播放器
         aplayer: {
            lrcType: 3,
         defaultCover: '', // <--- 这里
MoeCinnamo commented 2 years ago

我刚刚发布了 0.3.2,允许自定义默认封面图,你可以试一下

// .vuepress/config.js
module.exports = {
   plugins: [
         // 这个 API 是不可用的,只是作为示例而已
         metingApi: '',
         meting: {
            server: 'netease',
            type: 'playlist',
            mid: '6838211960',
         }, // 不配置该项的话不会出现全局播放器
         aplayer: {
            lrcType: 3,
         defaultCover: '', // <--- 这里
