moeskerv / esp32-weather-station

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s16 results not declared #2

Closed joelpfeiffer closed 3 years ago

joelpfeiffer commented 3 years ago


I really like your project. I only have 1 problem. when uploading to the huzzah esp32 I get a error saying s16 not declared in this scope.

 // get readngs from SDS30 sensor
    s16 result = 0;

do you know how I can solve this?


moeskerv commented 3 years ago


thanks for the feedback! Seems that s16 and u16 data type definitions got lost in the libraries I use. I changed the data types so that it should work now.

Still I see a warning in the sps30 library, didn't test if the build works. Currently I have my hardware not available.

Have fun!

joelpfeiffer commented 3 years ago

awesome, I'm gonna try to figure out how to work the sps30 (first time using it) anyway thank you for your fast response

moeskerv commented 3 years ago

I meanhwhile tested the build and it works, warning in sps30 library can be ignored