moest-np / center-randomize

Script is to assign exam centers to students
MIT License
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#84 Fixes of Schools are not plotted in map in streamlit app #90

Closed nirmala-sharma closed 1 month ago

nirmala-sharma commented 1 month ago

Fixes #84

While Filtering data , schools will also shown in map in different color than center when we apply both (school/center) filter .

sapradhan commented 1 month ago

Using school list like in your first commit is a better idea as school-center-distance has a much larger row count.

Also instead of re-reading from tsv can we use dataframe in tab3? and build a dict[scode , (lat,long)] from from it so that we dont have to traverse school list multiple times

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nirmala-sharma commented 1 month ago

Using school list like in your first commit is a better idea as school-center-distance has a much larger row count.

Also instead of re-reading from tsv can we use dataframe in tab3? and build a dict[scode , (lat,long)] from from it so that we dont have to traverse school list multiple times

@sapradhan Completed these changes please review again.

sapradhan commented 1 month ago

thank you @nirmala-sharma One more request. is it possible to add legend somewhere. Blue marker = school, Red marker = center