Open Heclalava opened 3 years ago
Although the chip architecture is v7, the compile parameters is used v5. You can find the compile parameters here:
Ok so you compiled it. On my Asus router I just compressed directly the v7 v2ray core using upx and it worked. But for the Netgear routers i compressed both the v5 and v7 and neither worked.
Thanks for the answer.
Another question, when you compress the v2ray binary with this: 使用版本 压缩命令:upx --lzma --ultra-brute v2ray v2ray_armv7 v2ctl
Are you using both the v2ray and v2ctl from, or is v2ctl compressed from the version?
I am not too sure why v2ray_armv7 is in the UPX command.
I did not use UPX to compress v2ray_armv7, because the devices of fancyss_arm is not using it.
Ok so you're only compiling from v5 then? I'm not too sure how to compile, I've looked at the v2fly wiki but the instructions aren't very clear. If your could teach me I could help you to maintain the v2ray binary for this repository. My clients use this ARM version and the HND version in their routers. I've been providing the v2ray binary to them for HND routers to manually update, and those I've just been compressing with UPX directly from v7 of the v2ray core and uploading to the router by SCP.
I don't know how to compile. I just use the released binary, and no problem at least now. This repository will probably not be maintained manually, if there are no problems.
Ok. Any plans to take on the HND repository as that's also not getting binary and GFW rules updates?
No plan. The update of the binary file is not necessary now. For rule updates, you can modify the rules url in
Hi again
So I'm not a developer, but I can understand code to a certain extent. I want to fork the fancyss project to maintain the v2ray binary for HND devices. I see in the v2ray script there's a URL main to update v2ray & v2ctl. If I fork and change the binary download path to my forked repository is that enough or are there other other things to consider for maintaining the binary?
I know you did this with ARM so there's why I'm asking.
Correctly I'm compressing the binary myself with UPX and manually uploading to the router with SCP, but would like to fix the online updater for HND devices, so clients don't have to manually upload the binary to their routers themselves.
I see the HND Fancyss project is getting a lot of updates, including xray support, plans to remove plugins like koolgame etc, are you planning to implement any of these changes to your branch of the ARM Fancyss?
Which v2ray core version did you compress the binary from? I tried all of the Linux arm versions for Netgear R7000. R6900 and R8000, and none of them worked. On my Asus HND router I had no issues with Linux ARM v7a, but for all the Netgear routers I couldn't get the v2ray binaries updated, so I am curious how you got it right. I assume the Netgear ARM routers used v5. Is that correct?