moetelo / twiggy

Twig language support for VS Code and Neovim.
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Drupal support #2

Open tanc opened 11 months ago

tanc commented 11 months ago

Hi @moetelo, I'm trying your fork on a Drupal project. Opening the project and looking at the Twig Language Server output I see:

Language server started for: /my-file-path/my-project Twig info not initialized

Is there any way to tell why the Twig info is not initialising?

moetelo commented 11 months ago

Hi @tanc, could you tell me the templates directory for your project, relative to the workspace directory?

The mechanism of definitionProvider defaults to workspaceDirectory/templates. If your templates are stored there, the definition would work.

And have you tried to Ctrl+Click any of the template inclusion statements/functions? e.g {{ include('template.html.twig') }}. Click the template.html.twig part.

Twig info not initialized

The extension calls a Symfony command to get custom developer-defined twig functions, globals and filters. Since your project is based not on the Symfony framework, this won't work. The other features should work as expected.

I will change the output message to better represent that behavior.

tanc commented 11 months ago

The templates directory is at web/themes/custom/[theme_name] but with Drupal projects they can be set up in all sorts of ways and in different locations.

So I guess it would be good to have a workspace level config option for defining the templates directory or directories.

Control clicking includes don't work for me. But it could be because the use string interpolation with a variable, like: {{ include(directory ~ '/templates/misc/steps.html.twig') }}

moetelo commented 11 months ago

Is it possible to get all template directories programmatically?

string interpolation with a variable

Yep, that's not supported

moetelo commented 11 months ago


workspace level config option for defining the templates directory or directories

What setting format could be good for Drupal case?

I'm thinking of adding a new extension setting:

"twiggy.tempateMappings": [
  // include('template.html.twig') -> ./templates/template.html.twig
  { "alias": "", "path": "./templates" },

  // include('@custom_theme_name/template.html.twig') -> ./web/themes/custom_theme_name/templates/template.html.twig
  { "alias": "@custom_theme_name", "path": "./web/themes/custom_theme_name/templates/" },

This would work for Drupal projects as well as for other non-Symfony projects.

But as far as I can see from Drupal quick start project (Download Drupal page, web/core/scripts/drupal quick-start demo_umami), there is some layer of additional magic for templates resolving under the hood. For example, in web/core/modules/node/templates/field--node--title.html.twig the {% include "field.html.twig" %} line should resolve to web/core/modules/system/templates/field.html.twig, if my guess is correct.

moetelo commented 5 months ago

Will take a second look here after #10 is resolved. Drupal experts are welcome to come here and drop a snippet close to this: