Open idontveapc opened 1 week ago
Sorry it's not clear. would you like Noto listed as a fallback for custom fonts? Or some new setting to select fallback font families ?
Which would be better? If you can select fallback font, then a user may be able to select Noto font for its language or any language, whichever is good for the user.
Can't wait it to be done. I had already got posts with them. How many days more?
Its not a big priority
Idk. 1 month
Uh oh, it's a lot more than i could. Anyways,thanks.
Its not a big priority
I don't know why it's not a BIG priority. Like, on the image above three of Russian letters was showed, but other three not. Getting or seeing a post with Russian is easy on 4chan and depending on Subreddit.
Does 1 month means, that next update is for a month to go? Or its not a big priority so then it's 1 month?
Pay me $1000 and I'll work on it now Or else you just have to wait til I feel like it
I'm sorry. But i can only thank you. Is that equals to $1000
If your selected font doesn't have characters, such as ₐᷛᵄᵊᴿ(superscript, subscript, modifier and combination letters) and ԌԂ ѭ(Cyrillic - Russian), they're showed not available/.not def.
Using Noto fallback may resolve this, also missing characters from system font fallback.
I know you could also select Noto font but it depends on your selection rather being resolved. If fallback is resolved already you won't have to force/ just stuck using one font.