mogaika / god_of_war_browser
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The Blades of Chaos files from GoW 2 E3 Demo i imported to GoW 2 Final Version is not appears??? #48

Open MAnggiarMustofa opened 3 years ago

MAnggiarMustofa commented 3 years ago

Screenshot (230)

@mogaika when i import Blades of Chaos from GoW 2 E3 Demo it give crash... so i try import the MDL_MAIblade_0 to Blades of Athena MDL_MAIblade_0 the blades is not appeared..... ? ? ? ? (but at GoW Browser Tool the Blades Models is appear)

wolfpredador commented 3 years ago

@Angoks send me files all wads and how to open?

Kratos8790 commented 3 years ago

teaches us how to get models

wolfpredador commented 3 years ago

use toc for gow final

MAnggiarMustofa commented 3 years ago

use toc for gow final

where's i can chat you... Discord? Twitter? for i can give the wad files

Kratos8790 commented 3 years ago

My discord @Angoks Ω Daniel Rangel Ω#6347

wolfpredador commented 3 years ago

My Discord: GustavoPredador#2924

MAnggiarMustofa commented 3 years ago

My Discord: GustavoPredador#2924

okay accept my Friends Request My Discord: Angoks#8586