mogilvie / EncryptBundle

Encryption bundle
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Setting encryptor and encryptKey dynamically via event #16

Closed Volmarg closed 3 years ago

Volmarg commented 3 years ago


Regarding the:

So I generally struggled for a longer moment with assigning container parameters dynamically but there is no simple way to go with this, would need to really make some ugly stuff which I want to avoid so I got other solution, which I've briefly tested and works.

Let me know if You would be interested in having this in Your project and if So then I will provide MR in some free time.

Solution: Adding new Event BeforeCreateEncryptionServiceListener image

If You don't want this at all then please close the issue and I will just add this to my project via composer patcher package.

Oh yeah there is a bug on screenshot - but anyway just tested it briefly so it doesnt matter atm.

mogilvie commented 3 years ago

Hi Volmarg, If I'm understanding your use case you want to generate a unique persisted encryption key for each authenticated user at login. Then use that key for all user related encrypt and decrypt processes.

I think this could be achieved within the current bundle framework by creating a custom subscriber. The current bundle config allows you to override the default bundle subscriber and use your own.

Would that suit your purposes?

Volmarg commented 3 years ago

Close enough. That's my real use case:

I need to encrypt data in Project A then send them to Project B where the only way to get inside will be standard user authentication (login/password) and that encryption key to see the real data.

That's why I need to enforce the project to work without providing key in services.yaml and thus I've hardcoded something like 0000... just to mute the exception.

Later on when I log-in i save the key to the file, and read it from there to decrypt database, after logout or x inactivity minutes, cron removes the file from server - in case of breach.

I will take a look if this will work with Subscriber overriding.

Volmarg commented 3 years ago

Your solution is not going to work, I mean, If I'm, stubborn then yeah I write dirty code and make it work, but I prefer not to do so. The problems are:

mogilvie commented 3 years ago

Hi Volmarg,

I've added a dispatcher, and the EncryptKeyEvent::LOAD_KEY. Also made the secretKey protected, and added a public setter method if you want to do it that way,

Let me know how you get on in master before I tag.

Volmarg commented 3 years ago

Thx, will check that out most likely on beginning of next week, or in this if will find a moment - I'm rather out of time now.

mogilvie commented 3 years ago

Did this enhancement work for you Volmarg? I'll close the issue shortly.

dwlodarczyk13 commented 3 years ago

Hey, Volmarg here - writing from temporary account (as I'm only logged in on linux os - sitting on Windows, not switching to linux for a while - on holidays as well).

I've tested it only a bit week ago, and it didn't fully worked - there were some issues with missing use class in few places. I can't tell where and so on as I don't have access to code now, dunno when I will have it - maybe today at night or in next week.

Volmarg commented 3 years ago

So, in OpenSslEncryptor You are missing:

use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;
use SpecShaper\EncryptBundle\Event\EncryptKeyEvent;
use SpecShaper\EncryptBundle\Event\EncryptKeyEvents;

besides just saying but now You got 2 pretty much same classes EncryptKeyEvent and EncryptKeyEvents, which in terms of naming are hard to distinguish one from another.

With the fixes provided above (missing use) it works as intended.

mogilvie commented 3 years ago

Cheers Volmarg.