mogilvie / EncryptBundle

Encryption bundle
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Symfony 4 - Encrypted and decrypted key is the same. #7

Closed Volmarg closed 5 years ago

Volmarg commented 5 years ago


I've just added Your bundle to my symfony project 4.3 i think. I will skip issues with key generating but I've managed to make 256 bit one.

Now I've got a problem that actually encrypted and decrypted key is the same. Am i doing something wrong or any idea?

image image

I'm just doing tests now, so You can recreate it with this key: encrypt_key: 'kXp2s5v8y/A?D(G+KbPehVmYq3t6whVmYq3tt6wShVw9z' encrypted string: test

Same for twig: {{ 'WlCj153fQK1yzp1qZXByLBaUL9T2vw7nq7fbSXruZ8Q=' | decrypt }} Result: WlCj153fQK1yzp1qZXByLBaUL9T2vw7nq7fbSXruZ8Q=

Volmarg commented 5 years ago

Yeah it's a bug or some incompatibillity. image

This saved such string into database: oQzacpgt4sPRTyu0kHMOYf7tc1fh1YQecmZ+tO4IJfM=<ENC>

Now when i use this string for tests

 $decrypted = $this->encryptor->decrypt('oQzacpgt4sPRTyu0kHMOYf7tc1fh1YQecmZ+tO4IJfM=<ENC>');


So it looks like the encrypted keys in controller are missing this <ENC> thing,

mogilvie commented 5 years ago

Hi Volmarg, There is only one encryption key, unique to your installation. The key is used to both encrypt and decrypt the stored value, see the encryptor

When decrypting the decryptor looks for 5 characters at the end of the persisted string "\<ENC>". If it finds this string fragment, then it knows the value is encrypted and runs the decrypt process. Otherwise it returns the raw stored value

     // If the value does not have the suffix <ENC> then ignore.
    if(substr($data, -5) !== DoctrineEncryptSubscriberInterface::ENCRYPTED_SUFFIX) {
        return $data;

Your initial test didn't contain the suffix "\<ENC>" so it wasn't decrypted.

Volmarg commented 5 years ago

Thanks for response.

Yeah I've figured it out but what I mean is that encryptor actually created that string without ENC. And then decryptor couldnt handle it.

mogilvie commented 5 years ago

OK. Understand. I'll look into it tonight.

mogilvie commented 5 years ago

Just had a quick look now. The \<ENC> suffix is added to the the encrypted value during the doctrine persistence event. As you are not persisting the encypted string in the tests, then it is not being appended. I think it would make more sense to add the suffix in the decryptor/encryptor. The encryptor needs to add the suffix, and to maintain BC the DoctrineEncryptSubscriber will need a check to add the suffix only if it doesnt already exist. I can make the changes on friday, or if you need it done quickly, then submit a pull request. Thanks for raising.

Volmarg commented 5 years ago

Nah it does the job for me with entity. Just had this issue so I wrote info. Thanks.

mogilvie commented 5 years ago

Fixed in v1.1.1