mogol / flutter_realm

Realm via Platform Channels
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help me out to connect realm with flutter auth login functionality #9

Closed manishydv closed 4 years ago

manishydv commented 4 years ago

Hi, I new on flutter.try authentication user application show as below attachment. and I stack with realm DB implementation with flutter (no document for flutter+realm).

I used this link - "" example folder for reference to connect the realm DB.

if some give short "DEMO CODE" user registration data save on realm data.

I'm trying to resolve this from the last 5 days. Untitled

mogol commented 4 years ago

Hi @manishydv ReamDB is a local database and an alternative to SQLite and Core Data. See docs. So there is no need in user registration.

If you are interested in Realm Sync, you can see example there