mogzol / ScpDriverInterface

Emulate XBox 360 Controllers on Windows using Scarlet.Crush's SCP Virtual Bus Driver
MIT License
52 stars 8 forks source link

NuGet package? #2

Open DavidRieman opened 6 years ago

DavidRieman commented 6 years ago

Have you considered making this a little NuGet package? I can see this being useful in a number of projects, and it would be neat to pull it in that way. If you don't want to or can't spend the time - would you mind if I did that for you?

mogzol commented 6 years ago

I will look into this soon

DavidRieman commented 6 years ago

I wrote code today that embeds the installer's driver files as resources, extracting them just-in-time for installation/uninstall, so the installer executable doesn't have to be paired/distributed with extra loose files. I didn't realize you'd made a bunch of changes, so I'll have to merge them together now before I can make a PR for that. (I haven't embedded the Difx dependencies yet either.)

My goal is to get my ScpDriverInterface-using tech to auto-recover from ScpVBus being missing by asking the user if they want to run the driver installer (elevated) before continuing. It'll run silent so the full UX will be: "Hey, driver is missing, install? You'll may be asked for admin privs", [prompts for admin], [app finishes launching and works great]