mohamed-badaoui / asus-touchpad-numpad-driver

Activate Numpad inside the touchpad with top right corner switch
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[UX425IA / Pop!OS] Linux unbootable due to driver and fails to uninstall it #28

Open Klintyfye opened 3 years ago

Klintyfye commented 3 years ago

Hi. I installed the software and after restarting my computer it wont boot fully. :

^[;lkjk;^@^CTraceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/", line 262, in Sleep(0.1) KeyboardInterrupt [ 64.573405] ucsi_acpi USBC000:00 PPM init failed (-110)

mohamed-badaoui commented 3 years ago


First uninstall the driver: sudo ./

and then execute manually from the project directory, directly python script: sudo python3 ./

And check if it works before installing it.

Which OS and asus model it is?

Klintyfye commented 3 years ago


I managed to uninstall it and get the whole thing booting again.

I'm running Kali on the UX425E

FranckPoingt commented 3 years ago


I'm stuck on this ucsi_acpi USBC000:00: PPM init failed (-110)

How can I sort this out? Thank you

mohamed-badaoui commented 3 years ago

Just run in a console mode from driver directory.

sudo ./
FranckPoingt commented 2 years ago

Hi, sorry but I tried to give another go to the service, I'm still not able to boot and now I can't uninstall it.. I've a UX425IA running Pop_Os 20.04 IMG_20210918_190408.jpg

mohamed-badaoui commented 2 years ago


it seems that your i2c module is not deactivatable.

so uninstall the rest, doing:

sudo systemctl stop asus_touchpad_numpad
sudo systemctl disable asus_touchpad_numpad
sudo rm -f /lib/systemd/system/asus_touchpad_numpad.service
sudo rm -rf /usr/share/asus_touchpad_numpad-driver/

Does it work when you run python script manually?

FranckPoingt commented 2 years ago

It does work when I start it manually.

I've disabled it and start it manually once I'm logged in, that's the only solution I found to avoid booting issues. I tried to modify the service as mentioned in other issues but with no luck.

mohamed-badaoui commented 2 years ago

For some distro, there is an issue with the service startup. It does not depend on the python script itself. At this moment, service fails mainly to start on Mint, Pop!Os, ElementaryOs, and SolusOs.

I have just add an error log file to save service error on startup. Please uninstall/install, reboot and check the file

cat /var/log/asus_touchpad_numpad-driver/error.log

related issues:

FranckPoingt commented 2 years ago


It says no file of folder of this type

mohamed-badaoui commented 2 years ago

Did you update your local repo? Did you run then

It is those scripts which create the log directory. And at each startup, the service write log into this directory.

FranckPoingt commented 2 years ago

I uninstalled, deleted the folder then pulled a fresh copy from the repo, installed it and reboot. I can redo the manipulation to be sure I didn't miss a part but I don't think I did.

Just to mention again that I can't run sudo ./, I end up with modprobe: FATAL: Module i2c_dev is builtin. i2c-dev module cannot be removed successfuly..

so I do sudo rm -f /lib/systemd/system/asus_touchpad_numpad.service sudo rm -rf /usr/share/asus_touchpad_numpad-driver/

mohamed-badaoui commented 2 years ago

Ok maybe I did something wrong but I do not see what :(

Yes in your case you need to finish the uninstallation manually because i2c module seems to be undeactivatable in your linux OS.

I uninstalled, deleted the folder then pulled a fresh copy from the repo, installed it and reboot. I can redo the manipulation to be sure I didn't miss a part but I don't think I did.

Just to mention again that I can't run sudo ./, I end up with modprobe: FATAL: Module i2c_dev is builtin. i2c-dev module cannot be removed successfuly..

so I do sudo rm -f /lib/systemd/system/asus_touchpad_numpad.service sudo rm -rf /usr/share/asus_touchpad_numpad-driver/

mohamed-badaoui commented 2 years ago

Please can you share this command result

cat /etc/systemd/system/asus_touchpad_numpad.service
FranckPoingt commented 2 years ago

Did the manipulation again but same result :/

Here is the result asked: `[Unit] Description=Asus Touchpad to Numpad Handler

[Service] Type=simple ExecStart=/usr/share/asus_touchpad_numpad-driver/ m433ia 40 > /var/log/asus_touchpad_numpad-driver/error.log 2>&1 StandardInput=tty-force TimeoutSec=10

[Install] `

mohamed-badaoui commented 2 years ago

Ok my bad :/ It was not the right way to log error by systemd.

The config should be

ExecStart=/usr/share/asus_touchpad_numpad-driver/ $LAYOUT $PERCENTAGE_KEY

Repo updated.

FranckPoingt commented 2 years ago

Uninstalled and pulled the latest repo but getting the same message saying no such file.

mohamed-badaoui commented 2 years ago

Ohhhh :(

Does journal contain specific logs entries?

sudo journalctl -u asus_touchpad_numpad
FranckPoingt commented 2 years ago

It just says: Started Asus Touchpad to Numpad Handler.

mohamed-badaoui commented 2 years ago

Ok thank you for all your feedback. Sorry but I have no other idea at the moment.

mohamed-badaoui commented 2 years ago

What you could probably do is configure the service to start after the user logs in. Have a look at:

the main diffrence is that the service has to be started by

systemctl --user enable asus_touchpad_numpad
FranckPoingt commented 2 years ago

I'll leave it as it is for now, not very confortable with all the services and commands, I don't want to screw it up --' It's working fine, just have to remember starting the service manually. If someone find a workaround, I'll give it a go in the meantime thank you for this great work, it's nice to be able to use the feature :) and also thank you for take the time to help out.

mohamed-badaoui commented 2 years ago

Of course I understand. Hope someone else could succeed to find why service do not start automatically on Mint, Pop!Os, ElementaryOs, and SolusOs.

I only use Debian and no really have time to try it with these distros :/

mohamed-badaoui commented 2 years ago

Have a look to the solution suggested by @zenusr Hope it helps

FranckPoingt commented 2 years ago

Didn't work unfortunately :/

EmilCRode commented 2 years ago

I am currently trying to figure out the boot issue on Pop!OS. Setting the service type too type=idle postpones the freeze until after login verification, but after a password is given it freezes.

arivarton commented 2 years ago

What you could probably do is configure the service to start after the user logs in. Have a look at:

the main diffrence is that the service has to be started by

systemctl --user enable asus_touchpad_numpad

I had the same issue on Pop OS and used this as a workaround. But there are several pitfalls mostly concerning permissions for the user so these are the steps I had to take for anyone having the same issue:

Add user to "input" and "i2c" groups.

Add a udev rule file in /etc/udev/rules.d/ and add this line to it: KERNEL=="uinput", MODE="0666"

Then I also had to comment out some lines in the asus_touchpad.service file which were: StandardInput, StandardOutput, StandardError. It might be enough to comment out only some of those or change log location from /var/log to something the user has access to, but I didn't care to check this since it is working now.

ghost commented 2 years ago


I just installed Pop OS 22.04 LTS on my Laptop UX393EA. I looked for a solution about the numpad and installed this. It work perfectly but I wouldn't be able to boot after installing it.

I just had to comment out the lines "StandardInput, StandardOutput, StandardError" in order to have the service properly starting at boot without blocking.

Thanks @arivarton for pointing this out.

Also the sleep with ExecStartPre was not doing it whatever the sleep value for me.

And Thanks to all contributors on this drivers, this is really awesome. :fire: